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10 kinds of vegetables, do not eat raw

Hits: 3201 Date: 2014-10-11
10 kinds of vegetables, do not eat raw
      Influenced by Western diet, more and more of life to eat vegetables or salad or salad made of fruits and vegetables, nutrient rich and distinctive flavor sensation. But be careful, not all are suitable raw fruits and vegetables. Some fruits and vegetables eaten raw can cause nutrient loss, indigestion, and even cause food poisoning!
       Salad vegetables, fruits and salads are much-loved food, many people feel, taste fresh raw vegetables can reduce the loss of nutrients. But in fact, not all are suitable for raw vegetables, cooked vegetables do not only likely to cause loss of nutrients, but also may lead to some undesirable consequences.
1, legumes and vegetables
       In edamame beans, beans, beans, lentils and other legumes and vegetables in potato tubers, blood can contain a toxic protein aggregation of red blood cells, called hemagglutinin. When eating fried vegetables impervious, often cause nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, severe cases can be fatal.
       These vegetables also contain a toxic protein nature antitrypsin, its toxicity showed inhibition of protease activity, causing swelling of the pancreas. Bean seeds (and pollen) contains glycosides nest is called a bean toxins can damage red blood cells, when eating fried impervious beans, can induce hemolytic anemia, which is the famous "bean disease."
       Beans and vegetables contain toxic substances in the loss of activity after heating, so be sure to fry student canteen, student canteen contractor, contract catering student, student restaurant contracting, contract cafeteria, school kitchen contractor, Cook rear edible.

2, potatoes and vegetables
       Potato eating raw vegetables is due to contain toxic substances glycosides.
       High starch content of cassava roots contain cyanogenic glycosides, cooked without soaking, hydrogen cyanide poisoning can occur after eating. As contained in potato tubers solanine (solanine) in the visible light green with a high content of cortex (10 times higher than normal tubers), it will not damage even after cooked, do not eat.
3, nitrate-rich vegetables such as spinach, mustard greens
       Spinach, mustard greens and other vegetables easily enriched in nitrate. Nitrate itself is very low toxicity to humans, but the role of microorganisms in the human body, will be converted to nitrite, and the gastrointestinal tract and nitrogen compounds (such as secondary amines, tertiary amines, amides, etc.) are combined into a strong carcinogen Asia Nitramine, there is a risk of cancer of the digestive system induced.
       These vegetables not only can not be eaten raw, and must be thoroughly cooked before burning should eat. So, what to eat soup drift of "lamb" type of food law is not desirable.
4, more vegetables containing oxalic acid
       Spinach, bamboo shoots, wild rice and other vegetables containing oxalic acid more, even if salad also first boiled with water to remove most vegetables contain oxalic acid.
       Oxalic acid in the intestine will combine with calcium oxalate absorption into difficult, interfere with the body's absorption of calcium, leading to the body of calcium.
5, lily
        Fresh lily contains a colchicine, colchicine itself is non-toxic, will oxidize to form through the gastrointestinal absorption of colchicine after highly toxic and can irritate the stomach, appear dry throat, heartburn, dry thirst, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms.
        Because colchicine is water soluble, fresh lily in cooking, drying process, the plant base has been destroyed, plus edible lily dry products when bound to be soaked in water, of course, no danger of poisoning.
6, vegetables
       Purslane and other vegetables, need boiled thoroughly remove dirt and insects, prevent allergies, student canteen, student canteen contractor, contract catering student, student restaurant contracting, school cafeteria contract, the school kitchen contractor.
       In addition, lettuce, water chestnuts and so it's best to be peeled before eaten raw, washed, boiled with water to eat, which is more health, it will not affect the taste and nutritional content.
7, starchy vegetables
       Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, taro, yams, etc. must be cooked to eat, or else one of the starch granules are not broken, the body can not digest.
8, fungus
       Ye Lin class fresh fungus containing light-sensitive substances, raw fresh fungus can cause dermatitis, severe skin itching, swelling and pain.
9, collapsed grow greens
       These vegetables under conventional cultivation conditions, often sprinkling livestock manure and pesticides, pollution caused by washing with water is not clean wash anyway. Of course, if it is in the production of vegetables in soilless cultivation conditions, you can rest assured raw.
10, water chestnuts
       Eat raw water chestnuts, ginger insects which will enter the body and attach on the intestinal mucosa, can cause intestinal ulcers, diarrhea, or facial swelling student canteen, student canteen contractor, contract catering student, student restaurant contracting, school restaurant contracting, school kitchen contractor.